North York Moors

North York Moors
Protected Area
North York Moors National Park
sign near Great Ayton
Country United Kingdom
Part England
County North Yorkshire
Highest point Urra Moor
 - elevation 454 m (1,490 ft)
Area 1,436 km2 (554 sq mi)
National Park of England 1952
Management North York Moors National Park Authority
IUCN category V - Protected Landscape/Seascape
The North York Moors from space

The North York Moors (also known as the North Yorkshire Moors) is a national park in North Yorkshire, England. The moors are one of the largest expanses of heather moorland in the United Kingdom. It covers an area of 1,436 km2 (554 sq mi), and it has a population of about 25,000.[1] The North York Moors became a National Park in 1952, through the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act of 1949.


Location and transport

To the east the area is clearly defined by the impressive cliffs of the North Sea coast. The northern and western boundaries are defined by the steep scarp slopes of the Cleveland Hills edging the Tees lowlands and the Hambleton Hills above the Vale of Mowbray. To the south lies the broken line of the Tabular Hills and the Vale of Pickering.

Four roads cross the moors from north to south. In the east the A171 joins Whitby and Scarborough. Further inland, the A169 runs between Pickering and Whitby. More centrally, a minor road departs from the A170 at Keldholme and passes through Castleton before joining the A171 which connects Whitby and Guisborough. The most westerly route is the B1257 connecting Helmsley to Stokesley. The A170 from Thirsk to Scarborough marks the southern boundary of the moors area.

There is an east-west branch line rail link from Whitby to Middlesbrough in the north and the North Yorkshire Moors steam railway runs from Pickering to Grosmont with a link to Whitby.[2]

The Moorsbus Network offers an alternative way around the North York Moors, instead of using private cars.

Physical geography


As part of the United Kingdom, the North York Moors area generally has warm summers and relatively mild winters. Weather conditions vary from day to day as well as from season to season. The latitude of the area means that it is influenced by predominantly westerly winds with depressions and their associated fronts, bringing with them unsettled and windy weather, particularly in winter. Between depressions there are often small mobile anticyclones that bring periods of fine weather. In winter anticyclones bring cold dry weather. In summer the anticyclones tend to bring dry settled conditions which can lead to drought. For its latitude this area is milder in winter and cooler in summer due to the influence of the Gulf Stream in the northern Atlantic Ocean. Air temperature varies on a daily and seasonal basis. The temperature is usually lower at night and January is the coldest time of the year. The two dominant influences on the climate of the North York Moors are the shelter against the worst of the moist westerly winds provided by the Pennines and the proximity of the North Sea. Late, chilly springs and warm summers are a feature of the area but there are often spells of fine autumn weather. Onshore winds in spring and early summer bring mists or low stratus clouds (known locally as sea frets) to the coasts and moors. Within the area variations in climate are brought about by local differences in altitude, aspect and shelter.[3]

Snowfall is variable from year to year, but the area gets much more snow on average than other parts of the country. Heavy falls are associated with north-easterly winds off the North Sea. Roads over the high moors are notoriously prone to drifting snow due to the exposed nature of the terrain.[4]

Average recordings are:

Climate data for North Yorkshire Moors
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
Record high °C (°F) 15
Average high °C (°F) 3
Average low °C (°F) −2
Record low °C (°F) −16
Precipitation mm (inches) 73
Avg. snowy days 13 16 10 7 1.4 0 0 0 0 1 5 9 62.4
Sunshine hours 55 72 105 132 182 170 185 170 130 115 68 42 1,426
Source: [7]


The geology of the North York Moors is dominated by rocks of the Jurassic period. They were mostly laid down in tropical seas 205 to 142 million years ago. Fluctuations in sea level produced different rock types varying from shales to sandstones and limestones derived from coral. These marine and delta deposited rocks are superbly exposed on the Yorkshire coast from Staithes to Filey.

Subsequently, about 30 million years ago, the land was uplifted and tilted towards the south by earth movements. The upper layers of rock were eroded away and the older rocks were exposed in places. Because of the tilt the oldest rocks became exposed in the north. These are the bands of shales and ironstones on the northern scarp of the moors and Cleveland Hills. The middle layers form the sandstones of the high moors and the youngest layers of limestone form the tabular hills. In the dales where the rivers have cut through the younger rocks there are also exposures of older shales, ironstone and sandstone. Rosedale is an example of this.[8]

During the Quaternary period, the last 2 million years, the area has experienced a sequence of glaciations. The most recent glaciation, the Devensian, ended about 20,000 years ago. The higher parts of the North York Moors were not covered by the ice sheets but glaciers flowed southwards on either side of the higher land mass.

As the climate became warmer at the end of the ice age the snowfields on the moors began to melt. The meltwater was unable to escape northwards, westwards or eastwards because it was blocked by ice. Huge torrents of water were forced southwards. Water from the Esk valley area flowed southwards gouging out the deep Newtondale valley as it went. Water from the moors formed a vast lake in the area of the Vale of Pickering. Eventually this lake filled its basin and then overflowed at the lowest point which was at Kirkham. Here it cut the steep sided Kirkham gorge. When the ice finally retreated it left deep deposits of boulder clay (or till) behind. The boulder clay blocked the eastern end of the Vale of Pickering causing a permanent deviation in the course of the River Derwent. Alluvium from the glacial meltwater covers many areas to the north of the moors and in the Esk valley.[8]


The North York Moors are drained by two main river systems.The northern part of the area is drained by the River Esk and its tributaries. The Esk flows from west to east and empties into the North Sea at Whitby.

To the south the moors are drained by the River Derwent and its tributary the River Rye. The Derwent crosses the Vale of Pickering flowing westwards, turns southwards at Malton and flows through the eastern part of the Vale of York before emptying into the River Ouse at Barmby on the Marsh.[9]

The hills

Hill Grid Reference Height to summit
metres feet
Urra Moor (Round Hill) NZ594015 454 1,490
Stockdale Moor (Stony Ridge) NZ631027 434 1,420
Cringle Moor NZ537029 432 1,417
Danby High Moor NZ702012 432 1,417
Carlton Bank NZ519026 408 1,339
Glaisdale Moor NZ722013 405 1,328
Cold Moor NZ551035 402 1,319
Hasty Bank NZ565036 398 1,306
Bilsdale West Moor SE553966 395 1,296
Brown Hill NZ603052 390 1,280
Warren Moor NZ616075 335 1,099
Gisborough Moor NZ643123 328 1,076
Egton High Moor (Pike Hill) NZ772013 326 1,070
Easby Moor NZ590101 324 1,063
Park Nab NZ614084 324 1,063
Roseberry Topping NZ579126 320 1,050
Live Moor NZ505013 315 1,033
Highcliff Nab NZ610138 310 1,017
Codhill Heights NZ614127 296 971
Lilla Howe SE888987 292 958
Lockton Low Moor SE855941 289 948
Levisham Moor SE843943 278 912
Lockton High Moor SE849963 249 817

Natural history

The North York Moors National Park encompasses two main types of landscape, whose differences are clearly visible, and the coastal belt. There are predominantly green areas of pasture land and the purple and brown heather moorland. The two kinds of scenery are the result of differences in the underlying geology and each supports different wildlife communities.

The Yorkshire Moors

Sandstones erode slowly and form poor acid soils which are deficient in nutrients. They are less permeable to water, impeding drainage and encouraging the formation of bogs. Sphagnum moss bogs are common where there is abundant rain and poor drainage. Cotton grass is a distinctive plant which grows in the boggy areas. In the cold acid waters of  peat bogs there is little decomposition of organic material with the result that the dead sphagnum moss gradually accumulates to form peat. This raises the levels of the bogs and they dry out. Heather then invades the area. Large areas of the moors are now covered in heather, bilberries and grasses growing on thick layers of peat.

The acid soils and peat bogs are unsuitable for earthworms so species which usually feed on earthworms such as moles and the common shrew are absent on the moors. The pygmy shrew survives by eating the insects and spiders that live in the heather. Lapwing, curlew and redshank breed on the moors and there are sandpipers along the streams. Wheatear and golden plovers inhabit grassier patches on the moors and ring ouzels live in stony areas. Red grouse, which feed on young heather shoots, are abundant. The heather is burned in strips by gamekeepers and farmers to encourage new heather growth to feed the grouse. Grouse shooting is part of the moorland economy. About 20 per cent of the national park is covered in bracken. Few things can grow under its dense cover and it does not support many insects and is unpalatable to most animals. The bracken is extremely invasive.

Sheep are a ubiquitous part of the moorland landscape. Their grazing helps to maintain the open wild landscape that is needed for many other plants and animals to thrive.[10]

The limestone belt

Limestone weathers down quickly to produce nutrient rich alkaline soils on well drained rocks. Gouging by glacial meltwaters has left spectacular valleys along whose floors run attractive streams. The limestone streams with their nutrient rich waters support an abundance of aquatic invertebrates such as insect larvae and crustaceans. These in turn support such fish as trout and grayling. Insects which emerge from the water in summer are also a rich source of food for birds. Grey wagtails, swallows and spotted flycatchers are commonly seen. Dippers and kingfishers are also typical. The otter, after a period of decline, is starting to recolonise the rivers and streams.

Farndale is famous for its wild daffodils in spring. Sheltered woodlands dominated by sessile oaks can be found to the south of the high ground. These woodland areas are the home of pied flycatchers, sparrow hawks and wood warblers. Roe and fallow deer can also be found here. The woodlands and south facing grasslands on the limestone belt provide a good habitat for many butterflies.

The fertile alkaline soils support an abundance of wild flowers. Bluebells and primroses grow in the hedgerows in spring and rarer plants such as the wood vetch and orchids are also to be found. Adders are widespread throughout the national park. On the moors they eat common lizards and around the hedgerows and woodland edges they feed on mice and voles.[10]

The Limestone grasslands support a wide variety of wild flowers, and many rarer butterflies can be seen. Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Duke of Burgundy Fritillary, Marbled White, Dingy Skipper and Grayling are just some of species that inhabit the national park.

The coast

The cliffs and sandy bays of the coast offer an assortment of seashore habitats. The spectacular scenery where the Cleveland Hills meet the sea has been designated as a Heritage Coast. The cliff at Boulby, at 690 feet (210 m), is the highest point on the east coast of England. Here the Jurassic strata of shales, clays and ironstones are displayed with superb clarity. There are also fine exposures of Jurassic rocks with their characteristic fossils around Robin Hoods Bay and Ravenscar.

Rocky shores offer an abundance of seaweeds in zones of different types which are more and less tolerant of exposure to the air and salt or clear water. Rock pools contain sea anemones, blennies, crabs and molluscs.

Sandy shores harbour a variety of plants and animals which are buried in the sand. Birds such as curlews and oyster catchers are to be seen prodding the sand to find these creatures for food. A few cormorants and fulmars breed along the coast where stonechats and rock pipits can also be spotted. Herring gulls are the commonest breeding birds and are an interesting sight nesting in the chimneys of coastal towns.[10]


There are records of 12,000 archaeological sites and features in the North York Moors National Park of which 700 are scheduled ancient monuments. Radio carbon dating of pollen grains preserved in the moorland peat provides a record of the actual species of plants that existed at various periods in the past.

About 10,000 years ago the cold climate of the ice age ameliorated and temperatures rose above growing point of 5.5 °C. Plant life was gradually re-established and animals and humans also returned.


Around 8,000BC Britain was still part of the European land mass and communities of Middle Stone Age people migrated to England and began to inhabit the North York Moors. Relics of this early hunting, gathering and fishing community have been found as a widespread scattering of flint tools and the barbed flint flakes used in arrows and spears.


By 5000 BC global sea levels had risen, the North Sea existed and Britain was cut off from mainland Europe. During the New Stone Age, which lasted from around 4500 to 2000 BC, the population increased and agriculture was adopted. These early farmers were the first to destroy the forest cover of the moors. Their settlements were concentrated in the fertile parts of the limestone belt and these areas have been continuously farmed ever since. The Neolithic farmers grew crops, kept animals, made pottery and were highly skilled at making stone implements. They buried their dead in long low burial mounds.

Bronze Age

Around 2000 BC the early Bronze Age Beaker People were inhabiting the area. During a 1,400 year period these people inhabited all areas of the moors and finally destroyed much of the original forest. The climate was relatively warmer and drier at this time so it was possible to live on the high moors throughout the year. When a piece of land was exhausted of nutrients, these people moved on, leaving behind land that was incapable of supporting anything but a heathland vegetation. There are about 3,000 Bronze Age burial mounds on the moors.

Iron Age

The Iron Age dates from about 600 BC. There are remains of two promontory hill forts at Boltby Scar and Rudston Scar and a collection of circular stone hut foundations on Percy Rigg. Other evidence of Iron Age occupation is scarce, having been obliterated by subsequent agricultural activity.


By AD 71 the Roman army had reached Yorkshire where they established a fort at Malton. From here a number of roads radiated. One of these roads was Wades Causeway, which led north-eastwards over the Vale of Pickering and across the moors to the North Sea coast. There are Roman camps at Cawthorn and Lease Rigg near Grosmont and there are signal stations along the coast at Filey, Scarborough, Ravenscar, Goldsborough and Hunt Cliff. The Romans left Britain in AD 410.

Anglo-Saxon and Viking

After the departure of the Romans, Germanic tribes arrived and settled in the area. These Angles, Saxons and Jutes gave many of the place names to villages on the moors They worshipped a number of gods, notably Woden. However, Christianity came to Yorkshire when King Edwin of Northumbria was baptised in AD 627 at York. Christian monasteries were established at Lastingham in 654 and Whitby in 657. A nunnery was built at Hackness in 680.

In the ninth century Viking raiders began to attack the Yorkshire coast and in 867 these Danes destroyed the religious houses at Whitby, Lastingham and Hackness and after battle set up a new Danish kingdom based at York. The Danes settled in the area and later themselves became Christian. They introduced their language, elements of which still remain in the local dialect, and renamed a number of settlements.

The Middle Ages

King William I of England and his Norman barons took control of the nation in 1066. Central to the imposition of Norman rule was the building of castles. There are well-preserved castle ruins at Helmsley, Pickering and Scarborough and others existed at Ayton, Danby, Mulgrave and Whorlton. In the eleventh and twelfth centuries monasteries were established on the moors at Whitby Abbey, Rievaulx Abbey, Byland Abbey and Mount Grace Priory. Gifts of land and money were bestowed on these establishments and the monastic orders became notable landowners, eventually owning about a third of the land in the area. The abbeys managed their land as sheep farms and became very rich on the profits. They continued to take in land from the waste and what remained of the forest and in the process gave the moors the distinctive landscape that still remains. Being envious of the wealth of the monasteries, Henry VIII of England closed them down, and confiscated and sold off their property. This was bought by individual people, some rich but some who had been tenants of the monasteries, and became privately owned land.


In many areas of the moors and their associated dales the settlements took the form of isolated farms and hamlets rather than villages. Very few had an open field system of agriculture so Enclosure Acts were rarer than in other parts of England. The seventeenth century saw a major acceleration in the reclaiming of marginal waste land and in the eighteenth century forward looking landlords attempted to improve their lands using drainage schemes and fertilisation measures.[11]

The 19th century

In the 19th century railways were built from Pickering to Whitby (1836), Middlesbrough to Whitby (1868) and Scarborough to Whitby (1884).

Locally sourced iron ore has been processed on the North York Moors from medieval times. In the 19th century it became a boom industry. Dozens of ironstone mines and several short-lived blast furnaces were constructed. Between 1856 and 1926 high-grade magnetic ironstone was mined in Rosedale. A railway was built around the top of the dale to serve the mines, and kilns were built to process the ore. In two decades the population of the valley rose from 558 to nearly 3000. Poor-quality coal was mined in many places on the moors from the 18th century to the early 20th century.

The North York Moors is the only source for British jet. It has been mined in the area from prehistoric times but the industry grew in the middle of the 19th century in response to a fashion for the jewellery produced from it. In the 1880s cheap imports produced a decline in the industry which was focused on Whitby. The remains of alum quarries are to be found to the north of the area and along the coast. Alum was important to the textile industry because it was used as a mordant or fixative for dyes that were used to colour cloth. The industry thrived in the region from the early 17th century until 1871. Its decline came when chemical dyes were discovered. The scars of industrial activity on the moors make it an interesting area in which to pursue industrial archaeology.[12]


The area's economy is mainly founded on tourism and agriculture.


For over a thousand years the basis of the economy in the North York Moors was agriculture. The rural scene, which attracts millions of visitors to the park each year, has been formed and maintained by generations of farmers. The 1996 Agricultural Census recorded a total workforce of 2,913 employed on 1,342 working farms. Sheep and cattle provide the prime source of farm income. The dale farms have rights to graze sheep on the open moor. The rights to moorland grazing are often essential to the economic viability of a farm. In recent years agriculture in Britain has suffered economic setbacks and the viability of hill farming has become questionable. A number of environmental schemes to improve farm incomes have been devised but the industry continues to decline.

Agricultural use of the moors is shared with grouse shooting as a means of gaining financial return from the vast expanse of heather. There is richer farmland across the southern limestone belt, where there are arable and mixed farms as well as the livestock farms. The main arable crops are barley, wheat, oilseed rape, potatoes, and sugar beets. There is also some intensive production of pigs and poultry.[8]


Many visitors to the moors are engaged in outdoor pursuits, particularly walking; the parks have a network of rights-of-way almost 2,300 km (1,400 miles) in length, and most of the areas of open moorland will be open access under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000. Popular named walks include the Cleveland Way, which circles the moors, and has a section along the coast; and the Lyke Wake Walk, which leads directly across the heart of the moors. The area also offers opportunities for cycling, mountain biking, and horse-riding, including a circular long distance bridle route created around the North York Moors which can be accessed at a number of locations.[13] The steep escarpments that define the edges of the park on three sides are used by several gliding clubs.


The moors have not changed much in the past 50 years, and are often used as a backdrop to British television programmes and films. The series Heartbeat and the scenes of The Hogsmeade Station in the Harry Potter movies were filmed in Goathland. Dalby Forest is also host to many forms of entertainment throughout the year including outdoor concerts.


There are few major settlements within, or around, the National Park: Helmsley, Pickering, Kirkbymoorside, Guisborough, Stokesley, Northallerton and Whitby. The moors are within a reasonable distance of Redcar and form part of East Cleveland. The moors are also within 20 minutes driving time from central Middlesbrough and Scarborough.



  1. ^ "Living in the North York Moors National Park". National Parks. Retrieved 1 June 2006. 
  2. ^ Philip's (7 August 2002). Ordnance Survey Motoring Atlas Britain. Philip's. ISBN 0540082287. 
  3. ^ Aalen, Fred (7 August 2006). The North East: English Heritage (England's Landscape). Collins. ISBN 000715576X. 
  4. ^ "Drivers warned after heavy snow". BBC News. 28 February 2006. Retrieved 2009-06-21. 
  5. ^ "North East England: climate". Met Office. 
  6. ^ "UK climate and weather statistics". Met Office. Retrieved 24 April 2008. 
  7. ^ "Regional mapped climate averages". The Met Office. 
  8. ^ a b c Spratt, D.A.; Harrison (1989). The North York Moors Landscape Heritage. Helmsley, Yorkshire: North York Moors National Park. ISBN 0907480586. 
  9. ^ "The Derwent Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy" (pdf). Environment Agency. March 2006. Retrieved 25 March 2008. 
  10. ^ a b c Fowkes, Charles (1988). Ordnance Survey Landranger Guidebook. York and the Moors. Norwich: Jarrold. ISBN 0319001458. 
  11. ^ Sampson, Ian (22 February 2001). North York Moors: The Official National Park Guide. Devon: David & Charles. ISBN 189863016X. 
  12. ^ "What makes this a special place?". North York Moors National Park Authority. Retrieved 24 April 2008. 
  13. ^ "British Horse Society". Retrieved 26 October 2010. 
  14. ^ "Forge Valley Geological Trail leaflet" (PDF). Archived from the original on 2008-05-30. Retrieved 2008-04-24.